16S/18S/ITS Microbiome Analysis

Microbiome Analysis

16S/18S/ITS Microbiome Service

What is the 16S/18S/ITS Microbiome Analysis Service?

The 16S/18S/ITS Microbiome Analysis identifies various microbiota/eukaryote/fungi (e.g. composition and distribution) in the collected samples to generate a customized microbiome profile.

Areas of Analysis
Microbiome Type
Areas of Analysis
Archaea, Bacteria
16S V1V2
16S V3V4
16S V4
18S V3V4
18S V9
Standard Analysis Items

(※ For analysis on the ITS2 region, items marked with * are excluded from the results.)

1. NGS QC Data

2. Taxonomic Distribution
– Bar plots for relative ratio of microbes in phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species level

3. Alpha Diversity
– Chao1, Observed Species, Shannon Index, Simpson Index, PD Whole Tree*

4. Rarefaction Curves
– Chao1, Observed Species, Shannon Index, Simpson Index, PD Whole Tree*

5. Beta Diversity
– Bray-Curtis*, Unweighted Unifrac*, Weighted Unifrac*

6. UPGMA Trees
– Bray-Curtis*, Unweighted Unifrac*, Weighted Unifrac*

Additional Analysis Items

1. LEfSe 2. XOR 3. PICRUSt

Experimental Data